Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The purpose of the little cloth bag

Its a little frustrating that whenever I'm checking out at Food City, Kroger, Wal-Mart, or Ingle's that even when I decline to use plastic bags to carry my groceries home that the bag boys take the bag they were offering to me, wad it up, and throw it away. The whole reason I'm carrying around this silly looking cloth Ingle's bag is to prevent the waste of plastic bags. Narf!

Oh well, by my estimation my plastic bag usage is down by 84% since umm....well about a month ago when I bought this cloth bag. I hope that I'm at least making a little impact in the attempt to cut down on excess trash.


At 8:04 PM, Blogger Alarra said...

I'm not quite so environmentally conscious to bring my own bag to the store, although I own one. The main problem is that I hate grocery shopping, so only go when I absolutely have to, which results in my needing to buy a great deal of food.

I will say, however, that our Food Lion almost makes me cry with the sheer amount of plastic bags that they waste. We came out of there the other day with every one of our bags double bagged. I mean, seriously...let me double bag your bread? It made me cringe.


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