Canadian Goodness
I'm on my way to Canada. Well, not right now, but shortly. Right now, I'm at Amanda's house. Amanda is probably better known as Alarra on one of the forums that I frequent.
I drove to her place last night and today we are driving to Toronto to meet other forum members. This is the first time I've ever spent the night at the residence of another forum member. I was pleasantly surprised to NOT wake up chained to a bed, sown into a wool fursuit, and find Amanda cackling in the kitchen about her new pet llama. In fact, it was a rather uneventful night. Hopefully, the trip to Canada will be uneventful as well. Canada itself should be a lot of fun. I want to try a Timbit. Apparently its a doughnut hole filled with a tasty paste.
Hopefully, we'll have a long session of the OOTS board game. I'm excited. I hope my character (chosen randomly) is Elan. If I end up as Belkar, all that hard work I've put into making myself seem like a nice person on the boards is going to flushed down the drain in a glorious night of PvP stabbity death.
Yes, it is foolish to spend 38 hours on the road in 4 days to spend 24 hours with people, but its fun and its a rare opporunity. I am aware of the foolishness, I just don't care about it. I got a classic "Sigh. You're an adult" from mom whenever I told her of my plans. Well, hope to write more soon.
Farewell, secret public Journal.
Ironically enough, I was Belkar and I played him as Belkar. Now one of the other forum posters has indeed declared a Feud on me.
It was worth it to inflict Death From Above!
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